понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

city kansas mo steak

Day 2 in that small cubical of mine i began to wonder wat do ppl mostly do beside fulfilling watapos;s needed to get their dough at the end of the day..
Seems like ppl mostly:
*MSN or web messenging in any form but my guess is mostly msn lah
*fulfillin the satisfaction of their mouth
*read mag,newspapers or books?
*updating of their blog,LJ,wordpress..etc online journal in any form?
*maximise the use of office tools e.g paper,printer..etc
*dig their nose?
*cut their nails or even better DIY manicure?
*grooming themselves? E.g touch up their make-up,comb their hair,tried stylin them?
*online shopping?
Well,my guess is there are more than wat i have listed..The above is juz a list tat i juz brainstormed?
Yes..I am bored..

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

buddha statue viet nam

Molly and I went out with a my friend Amy tonight along with her daughter Alexandra who is around a year and a half old.� We decided to go to New Hope, PA and see if there was anything interesting going on.� I was sure it would be hopping and that weapos;d have to fight for a parking spot but it was shockingly quiet� Almost all of the restaurants were empty and very few people were walking around on the sidewalks.�

We were walking around and trying to decide on where to eat for dinner.� We were going to eat at a place called Wildflower.� We looked at the menu and there seemed to be lots of good vegetarian options.� We were looking at the menu posted outside and were about to walk in when we noticed another sign.� Once the sun goes down, they donapos;t allow children under the age of seven in to eat� Alex was not welcome.� I�can understand but at the same time, I was still sorta taken back.� Iapos;ve never seen something so blunt at a restaurant� It isnapos;t like people were wearing tuxes inside.� Oh well.��

We decided to hit up LuLuapos;s Cafe which was sorta dissapointing because it seems like I always eat there when I go to New Hope.� I guess thatapos;s because Iapos;m familiar with it and I know I can gind reasonable veg options.� They also have an entire page of the menu devoted to drinks, smoothies, juices and other sippy stuff.� Itapos;s your basic informal menu with sammiches and soups.� Thereapos;s all sorts of pumpkin flavored beverages available for the fall.� I had a pumpkin chai and it was great.� The food is alright but the chai will keep me coming back to LuLuapos;s because itapos;s hard to find a decent one.� Let me tell you, Iapos;ve tried several and they are few and far between � Most places use a concentrate and that shit is nasty.� Small World in Princeton makes their own chai but itapos;s so spicy that I usually cannot drink it once I get to the bottom third of the cup and for what I pay for that thing, I want to be able to swallow every last drop� LuLuapos;s isnapos;t much less expensive but itapos;s way better� It comes in a tea bag and they combine the tea and spices themselves.� You are able to let it seep for as little or as long as youapos;d like and when itapos;s done, they give you your choice of milk to top it off.� Itapos;s perfect.�

I was just mulling over different places to get chai the other day and Iapos;m really glad to have LuLuapos;s on my mental map.� For right now, they� win the Chai Prize.

110 S Main St
New Hope, PA 18938
(215) 862-3222

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

back burning pain side urination

Hey Patti

Sorry itapos;s taken me so long to send you anything I miss you Itapos;s been awful busy here, as you can imagine. Hope all is well at home, on the lake (oh how I miss the lake). Is Oktoberfest coming up, or is it already past? I can never remember the dates.

Iapos;ve been working at Urban Outfitters, just for a job to make some money. Unfortunately, it hasnapos;t been enough money, and now that Kayla and I are getting ready to move to Brooklyn and get our own place, Iapos;m pretty broke. So yesterday, I went job hunting and found this incredible place called Max Brenner, Chocolate by the Bald Man. Itapos;s a huge restaurant specializing in chocolate You literally order chocolate, fondue, chocolate "injections", hot chocolate, sandwhiches, cheese appetizers, the list goes on and on. Itapos;s amazing. And there are enormous pipes running along the ceiling and walls that carry chocolate through them, and pump it into the outlets behind the counters where they let it out per order.
Signs inside say "SEE, WILLY WONKA LIVES" You would die, Patti.
They also have a coffee bar. I applied and was HIRED ON THE SPOT as a barista Iapos;ll be making plenty of money now, doing what I love to do, and I absolutely cannot wait How wonderful. I start on Monday.

October has been beautiful here, not as beautiful as Michigan, but what can you expect, you know?
Iapos;ve been thinking of you a lot - whatapos;s your son been up to? Is he still in Chicago (I thought I remember you saying something about him possibly moving out here).

Miss you

P.S. Thank goodness for Trader Joeapos;s, they make it so easy and cheap to get organic, good for you grocceries. Iapos;d be in so much trouble without them (The thing is, they are located in Manhattan, so imagine Kayla and I literally carrying four to five huge paper bags of grocceries on the subway for around an hour back to our house HAHA, of course)

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edvard kiss munch

Okay so caesar and i were talking about this last night.
about writing (heapos;s a writer ((he also cooks)) proof that: DReams DO come truelol)
and he is trying to journal everyday... And i have also decided to do so myself...
My topic today?

Modesto Junior college: My review
the end.

To say its "different" is completely underestimating the Grand amount of Different that it actually is for me i guess i could say i Hate it but really i dont. Its easy, simple, and whiout too many complications.
Walking in the first day i was absolutely terrified, not for the homework but for the fact that for once in my whole entire life i was completely alone. No friends among a 16000 student crowd...what was i supposed to do? once the first week was through though i decided that i COUld do it, well...more Like i HAD to do it, i HAD to survive, there was really no other option, but i guess until the moment of this decision i had somehow burried a small hope that maybe this wasnapos;t really going to happen..i really didnapos;t have to be here.
but its been a Forever long period of 8 weeks and i feel comfortable there. A comfortable seemilgy forced upon me a inevitable comfortable. Iapos;ve gone from one extreme to another, my whole life iapos;ve been cared for, iapos;ve been a worry to someone, iapos;ve been noticed by a teacher, a friend, or family, no matter who but i have been something to someone. This new transition to college brought me to the next extreme. A careless girl walking a could-care-less campus. On my own wondering from class to class, a routine so strict and free... Its odd i know but i wouldnapos;t know any other way to explain it.
i figure its only a year till i get a social life back. And i have caesar .... Iapos;m still trying to figure out if choosing him was ever my choice at all? was it really Godapos;s way of making college and life easier? of reviving me and letting me know "hey, be happy, be alive"
i think this new found realization of life beyond MAA has brought me a sense of contentment i would have never expected under my current situation.
but really, going through what iapos;ve gone through in my recent past, iapos;ve learned that only thing you can do with life is deal. You got no choice, well you have the cowards choice to call it all quits, but iapos;ve never really been pro-coward...i am dealing with life and the hardships and blessings just the same.
so this year is gonna be my year that when it comes to school i must simply...Deal.
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